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Ways to Avoid Heater Failures

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As the winter chill continues, ensuring your heating system is in top-notch condition becomes even more important. Yet, many of us find ourselves in the cold due to unexpected heater failures. Learn the common reasons heaters fail during the winter and how you can prevent them from leaving you out in the cold.

Filters: Over time, air filters in your heating system accumulate dust and debris, causing restricted airflow. This strain on the system can lead to overheating and eventual failure. Check and replace filters regularly to maintain optimal performance.

Thermostat Issues: A malfunctioning thermostat can result in temperature inconsistencies or failure to start the heating system altogether. Ensure your thermostat is calibrated correctly and consider upgrading to a programmable thermostat for more precise control.

Ignition or Pilot Control Problems: Faulty ignition or pilot control mechanisms can prevent the heater from starting. This may be due to a malfunctioning thermocouple, ignition system, or pilot light. A professional technician can diagnose and resolve these issues effectively.

Electrical Failures: Heating systems rely on various electrical components. Loose wiring, blown fuses, or tripped circuit breakers can disrupt the electrical supply, leading to heater failures. Regularly check and address any electrical issues promptly.

Fuel Supply Issues: If your heating system operates on gas or oil, a disruption in the fuel supply can cause the heater to fail. Ensure the fuel lines are intact, and the fuel source is sufficient. Schedule fuel deliveries or refill tanks in advance to avoid unexpected outages.

If you encounter any heater-related problems, don’t hesitate to contact Hage Energy for inspection and timely repairs.

© 2023 Hage Energy, LLC. | Houston, TX area Air Conditioning, Heating Repair, Service, Installation

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